Bubba Sat. 9/7 – Road to Hell and Cleveland Circuit Ride

The Cleveland Circuit Ride, a fundraiser for Family Promise of Bradley County, is this Saturday. There are 25 km, 50 km, 100 km, and 100 mile options.

The first wave of riders start at 7 am from Black Fox Elementary School (3119 Varnell Rd, Cleveland, TN 37311).

Check the website for details. (circuitride.org)

Road to Hell alternative to CCR

Head south for a trip down (up?) the road to hell via the cove and Dougherty Gap. Store stop at mile 30.6, the Cove Store. Post-ride festivities at Tap House.

When: 8:30
Where: Steady’s Campground (St. Elmo Food City)

Stats: 68.4 miles and 4,483 ft

TB Sat. 8/31 and Mon. Holiday Ride 9/2

Saturday, 8/31

Bubba will roll at 8:00 from River Drifters to try and beat some of the heat and afternoon thunderstorms. Park in the grass/gravel field across the road from River Drifters. Store Stop options @ Mile 28.4, Mile 31.3, Mile 37.2 and/or Mile 50.1.

When: 8:00 a.m.
Stats: 62.3 miles and 4,123 ft

Monday, Labor Day, 9/2

Holiday ride from Bub One and Sweetie’s house. Followed by the usual shenanigans. BYOB.

When: 9:00 a.m.
Where: Bub One’s house, 1546 Burnt Mill Rd, Flintstone, GA 3072
Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/48191620 (slight detour due to closure of Lytle Rd)
Stats: 41.8 miles and 2,663 ft (Holiday Pace!)

TB Saturday 8/24

This week Jungle Jim will lead Bubba on a two climb loop over Suck, up the valley, and back over Signal. Roll from Red Bank Elementary at 8:30. Store stop at mile 30.8.

The post-ride lunch location is to-be-determined. There are several options in the area, Merv’s, River Drifters, and Monkey Town.

When: 8:30
Stats: 53.7 mi and 4,644 ft

TB Saturday 8/17

This week we will try a new start location and head southeast. Weather permitting, roll at 8:30 from Sculpture Fields at Montague Park for 63.3 miles and 3,322 ft. Store stop at mile 39.0. Post-ride festivities at Oddstory.

There is rain in the forecast, so stay tuned for updates and make your own decisions!

When: 8:30
Where: Sculpture Fields at Montague Park (park in the gravel lot near Polk St)
Stats: 63.3 miles and 3,322 ft

TB Ride and Lake Party Sat. 8/10

Howdy Bubbas,
Please see below from Sam-I-Am about this weekend’s ride and lake party. Sam and his in-laws are being very generous, so please follow the instructions! Note that we have shortened the route slightly from what was previously sent out.

When: 9:00 a.m.
Where: 3922 Windward Lane, Soddy Daisy, TN
Stats: 55.7 miles and 4,156 ft
Store stop: mile 28.6

From Sam-I-Am:

9am roll to accommodate “out of town” start, shorter route down Hotwater, so we have plenty of time and energy for festivities (basically, just sitting around eating and drinking beer)

Dogs, burgers, and sides post-ride, but BYOB. Let me know if you plan on coming, so we can have enough food (text or email Sam “Sam-I-Am” Dean). Thank you to those who have already let me know. Spouses/family/friends are welcome, just let me know.
Lake activities post-ride. Bring a towel and swimsuit if you want to participate in getting wet. Life jackets for kids 12 and under on the dock/boat (water is deep on the dock).

Do NOT park in the Cul de Sac and do NOT block driveways. I will be out there to help with parking, but park on the right side of the street on Windjammer Dr where there are no houses.

Big thanks to my in-laws for hosting us; try to behave so they have us back and don’t kick me out of the family… don’t make this into a story that gets brought up every year during the holidays… please

TB Saturday 8/3 and Bubba Lake Party Saturday 8/10

This week we will start at the Riverwalk Blue Goose Hollow Trailhead parking lot and head south via Creek Rd, up 136, Humping Dog, down Nick-A-Jack, and back. Store stop at mile 26.2. Post ride recovery at Parkway Pourhouse.

When: 8:30
Stats: 62.5 miles and 4,196 ft

Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47799739

Bubba Lake Party Next Week (8/10)

A reminder that next week is the Bubba Lake Party hosted by Sam I Am. If you plan to attend the party please let him know to expect you and your guests for food (sam.dean332@gmail.com). Ride from the lake house at 9:00 with the party to follow. BYOB with burgers and hot dogs provided by Sam I Am. Please bring some cash to help Sam cover the cost of food. Family and significant others are welcome to join the fun. Stay tuned for more details.

When: 9:00
Stats: 64.9 mile and 4,451 ft

TB Sat. 7/27

This week, Bubba will head south from the Battlefield to Villanow. Store stops options at miles 26.3, 47.6, and 56.9. Roll at 8:30 from the Visitor Center.

When: 8:30 am
Where: Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center
Stats: 65.9 miles and 3,666 ft

Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34218937

TB Bubba Sat. 7/20 and Events

Bubba will head north from Falling Water this weekend for a Montlake, Stormer, Lee, Armstrong Loop. Store stop at mile 34.8 and others. Roll at 8:30. Post-ride festivities at Monkeytown and/or the Suck Creek Cycle Anniversary Party.
When: 8:30
Where: Falling Water (parking lot across the street from Falling Water Baptist Church)
Stats: 60.7 miles and 4,022 ft


Save the Date: Bubba Lake Day, Saturday 8/10, Hosted by Sam I Am
ride, lake activities, food, and hang out
Ride at 9:00 with the party to follow. Family and close friends are welcome. We will try to get a headcount for the party when we get closer to time.

Suck Creek Cycle 25th Anniversary Party, This Saturday
This Saturday, July 20th, we will be celebrating 25 years of serving the Chattanooga area with Bikes and Friendly Advice! Open house hours with reps to pester, raffle tickets to gather and some super sale prices on some great products from 8:30-3.

Prize give-aways from 3-4.
Music (featuring Andrew G. Witherspoon), food, frivolity, and camaraderie from 4-7.

TB Saturday 7/13

It’s going to be blazing again this weekend, so we will start at 8:00 and try to get some climbing in early. Roll from Steady’s Campground for a trip up Nick-A-Jack and around the top of Lookout. There are plenty of ways to short if it gets too hot or you are short on time. Store stop at mile 33.5 on Hwy 136.
When: 8:00
Where: Steady’s Campground at St. Elmo Food City
Stats: 61.1 miles and 5,047 ft

Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47174732