TB Sat (5/27) and Mon (5/29)

Saturday roll @ 8:30 from the St Elmo Food City for a Bubba favorite we’ll use to remember Daisy since it travels lots of the 3-state metric/century roads.   Over the toe, 299 (backwards from the 3S metric route), over Ladd, up the good road, and across the top of Sand via the 3S century route.   Usual regrouping points including the top of the hill on 299 after the truck stop, end of 299, other side of Ladd before the climb, and store on the left on top which is the refueling stop.   A metric and 3800 feet.   Here’s the map: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/40346849

Monday roll @ 9:00 from the St Elmo Food City for the Holiday route.  Remember this is a holiday (base) pace ride so if you are lookin’ to put the mustard on your hot dog early find another ride or carry a backpack full of rocks!   42 miles, 2600 feet.   Here’s the map: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36208471

Have a good Memorial Day, Bubbas, and a Big Bubba thanks to all the vets!